يناير 5, 2025

5 Common Misconceptions About Infrared Sauna Therapy

Misconceptions About Infrared Sauna Therapy

Over the years infrared saunas have gained a lot of popularity for their therapeutic benefits, which includes relaxation, pain relief and improving skin health but just like all other health related technologies there are a lot of misconceptions and concerns about them. Below is a list of some of the myths that surround infrared saunas.

6 Common Misconceptions About Infrared Sauna Therapy

1. Radiations Are Not Safe :

One of the myths about infrared saunas is that they are not safe because of the radiation. Its true that infrared technology uses blue light waves but the radiation it emits is non-ionizing and fully safe. If we compare them to UV radiations from the sun, infrared light doesn’t damage DNA or increase the risk of cancer.

2. Causes Skin Burns :

It’s true that it heats the body directly but does not cause any skin burns or something. If we compare them to traditional saunas which operate at around 65°C-90°C, infrared saunas operate at 45°C-60°C. At this temperature it should not cause any burns unless you are sitting too close to the panels.

3. Replacement For Medical Treatment :

Sometimes you will see infrared saunas marketed as a replacement for medical treatment which is not true. It’s not a cure for a particular medical issue but just an addition to a healthy lifestyle. Even though it can help in detoxification and chronic pain management, one should still continue a healthy lifestyle with proper exercise and diet.

4. Weight Loss Without Efforts :

You may hear that infrared saunas can lead to significant weight loss but that’s not the fact even if you may lose some weight during the session but mainly that is because of the dehydration, you may lose some calories but the moment you rehydrate you won’t notice a very big change. To do proper weight loss you must be burning some calories through exercise and other activities.

5. Only for Athletes :

Many people believe that infrared saunas are only for professional athletes or some one who can afford luxury but that’s not the truth. Apart from the luxury options infrared saunas do come with some cheap or affordable options. You can explore packages offered by a spa or even buy a sauna blanket that will still do the work but not as proper as you get the treatment in the spa.

6. Dangerous for people with heart issues :

You may see people speaking that it’s not good for people with heart disease but that’s not the issue, although people with heart disease should approach saunas with caution as compared to normal people. As infrared saunas operate at a very low temperature then traditional saunas can be very gentle to the cardiovascular system but still people with severe heart conditions should consult their doctors before use.
